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Английские поздравления с Днем Рождения

Выбрать поздравления с днем рождения – не такая простая задача, как это может показаться на первый взгляд. Слова имеют огромное значение и обратно их вернуть уже нельзя, поэтому, сказав что-то, не подумав, можно испортить весь праздник имениннику и оставить в его душе вместо приятных воспоминаний лишь чувство досады и горечи. Сегодня поздравления с днем рождения очень разнообразны – это могут быть и стихи, проза, шуточные поздравления, стихи или просто пожелания на иностранном языке и т.д. Главное – правильно подобрать слова, которые бы соответствовали случаю и принесли много радости имениннику. Большой популярностью пользуются английские поздравления с днем рождения – сегодня этот язык знают практически все, поэтому трудностей с переводом возникнуть не должно.
Today s the day
We get to say
We re happy you were born-

 (голосов: 51)

Happy birthday! I do hope all your dreams will come true!

 (голосов: 87)

Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative. (Maurice Chevalier)

 (голосов: 30)

It s a great miracle how you made it to the world,
It s a great surprise how you manage to pass through the boundaries,
The boundaries set by people who happen to be against His will and His decision.
And their wishes were nothing but a misery and nightmare for them.
They wished evil but He wished them a misery and disappointment.
They wished success but He wished them failure.
They challenged His decision, but He showed them strength, power,
And how protective He is on his children, because He is the ultimate one!
He is the one, who created earth and heaven,
He is the one, who clayed the man,
He is the one who gave man life.
He is the one, who made them as well,
He is the one, who rules and control everything,
And He is the one, who answers, WHY, WHEN, WHO, WHICH, HOW questions.
He grants life and He ends!
He gives strength, vision, Holy Spirit, and a direction to everyone.
He disallows trespass and He doesn t grant evil to human.
People just lost Christianity to Satanism.
He is the First and The last One!
He is Alfa! He is Omega!
And He is the earth and the heaven CEO.
No one on earth could overpower Him.
No one on earth could claim His tactics and powers.
So, it s a great miracle how you survived the evil.
The evil plotted by this cruel people.
Hurrah! It s a great honour and blessings for me to have you little princes.
It s a great happiness to have you born.
You deserved what everyone deserves.
Yes! You deserved life account and I deserved parenthood life.
Your birth has brought us joy and unity as a family.
Your birth gives me strength and long life hope.
Your birth granted me fatherhood life.
Your birth makes me grow.
Your birth makes me proud.
Daddy is what I always needed to be.
Parent-hood is what I needed most.
Happy birthday the little princes,
Happy birthday the little one!
Happy birthday my little daughter!
Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
I love you my little daughter!
I wished you and I wished you well the little princes.
I saw you coming,
cause my angel kept me telling.
I saw you coming, but I never knew the actual time.
You re the love of my life,
You re the light of my life.
You are my sunshine,
The pillar of my strength,
And the real successor of my life!

 (голосов: 38)

Happy sixteenth birthday Andrew,
it s hard to believe your sixteen today.
We ve had fun and laughter,
and the odd tear along the way.
I still remember the day I had you,
you weren t in any hurry to come out.
You were such a good baby,
and has you ve grown not much have I had to shout.
Still I remember fondly every milestone in your life,
from your first smile to your first day at school.
You always enjoyed lots of cuddles,
now you think for them your just too cool.
All I wish for you is that you are happy in life,
and that you do your best in all you do.
For if your happy than so too am I,
and never forget that I ll always love you.

 (голосов: 61)

Each birthday wish
I ve ever made
Really does come true
Each year I wish
I ll grow some more
And every year

 (голосов: 25)

The stands are full of eager fans
Who say, we re paid too much money!
But if they would put our suits on
They d find football isn t funny.
Twenty-two men and five referees
Chasing a pigskin, air filled ball.
Mashing and bashing all the way
Till the striped shirts whistle their call.
All the generals on the sideline
Are waging their athletic war.
And the letters in the words they use
Never amount to more than four.
There s no substitute for winning
And no excuse for losing.
Though after games; when we can t sleep
It s because of all the bruising.

 (голосов: 8)

Happy belated birthday!!

 (голосов: 4)

Congrats! He is gorgeous! Glad to hear that you are recovering well! Enjoy your new baby!

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As you sail into another year of your life,
I hope your journey through it, is smooth and joyous...
And may all your plans find their way to success.
Happy Birthday!

 (голосов: 8)